
Yes.. I know I did not posted anything in ages!!!
But I am going to try to change that with this new kind of post:

Textures for free!

Everytime you’ll see this type of post, you can be sure  you’ll find a few new textures to download.

But why I am going to do such a thing?!
Yes… be prepared for the boring part hahah

Actually, I used to work as a texture onto Assassin’s creed Unity, being in charge of a specific area of the game.
But I left Ubisoft to join Rocksteady as a lighting artist, working onto the next Batman video game in London.

So I haven’t been doing any 3D stuff for a few months now and wanted to get back to business doing some textures, the Assassin’s creed Unity way.

So please!!! Help yourself with those ones!
Feel free to download them and use them into your personnal projects.

Hope you will like them.


Have a lovely day everyone!

See you very soon.
